OOH Today – Dallas OOH Wall Goes Maverick With Augmented Reality

This article originally appeared in OOH Today October 23, 2018 – https://oohtoday.com/dallas-ooh-wall-goes-maverick-with-augmented-reality/

Just in time for the Dallas Mavericks home opener today, October 20th, the largest augmented reality installment on the Facebook platform went live in the heart of Downtown Dallas. The back of the Downtown YMCA building (601 N. Akard), which can be seen from the intersection of Field Street and Ross Avenue, has been taken over with an incredible 68’ x 193’ mural, featuring Dennis Smith Jr.  Fans who wish to see the augmented reality are instructed to go to Mavs.com/AR for details and get access to the Facebook filter. When activated, Dennis Smith Jr. is brought to life for a larger-than-life dunk in augmented reality.

“We want our fans to be proud that we’re the first team to do something this big with augmented reality. We are grateful to Groove Jones who helped us bring this experience to Dallas,” said Jerome Elenez, CMO of the Dallas Mavericks.

The creative and technology studio Groove Jones produced the AR experience, with creative direction from the Dallas Mavericks, by taking both photo and video assets to bring the animation to life. The wallscape will be active through December and fans are encouraged to share their experiences through social media using the hashtag #mavsAR.

Check out the teaser for the animation now at mavs.com/AR.  Or click on the arrow in the photo below.

The Dallas Mavericks had their home opener, Saturday, October 20th against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Prior to the game, the Mavericks hosted a Party on the Plaza, presented by Budweiser, on Victory Plaza from 5-7PM. For tickets and information, visit mavs.com or call 214.747.6287.

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