Groove Jones has delivered an exciting and wonderful new VR experience called Arcade Artist, which allows participants to step into an imaginative world.
Arcade Artist is an experience that combines the unique exploration of a creative playground along with casual arcade activities that makes this VR experience perfect for all age groups.

Explore the world around you.
The app is available with both single-player and multiplayer modes and has been licensed for several events.
First-ever VDA Awards Nominee
On December 5th, Arcade Artist became one of the first-ever nominees of the VDA awards! HTC, creator of the HTC Vive VR technology, created the inaugural Viveport Developer Awards to celebrate and reward creators for their immersive VR and 360 experiences. They nominated 20 titles published on Viveport, including 5 nominees in 4 categories selected based on engagement metrics and editorial considerations. The categories are Explore, Create, Connect, and Experience. Arcade Atist is a nominee in the Create category.
Available on HTC VivePort and Steam Worldwide

HTC uses Arcade Artist in a new Ad Campaign.
Arcade Artist premiers on the HTC Viveport store and gamers can purchase the app to download and experience in their home. Arcade Artist is also available on Steam and other VR platforms.
Steam Punk Inspired Tools
With simple and intuitive tools, players can paint in 3D or spend time shooting targets, each unlocking new and clever interactions. Players will be surprised and delighted at how much fun VR can be, especially when they unlock hidden surprises within the world.

Paintball Blaster Prototyp2 #7

Velocity Brush 12

Laser Light Etcher Prototype 8
Licensed Intellectual Property
Groove Jones has licensed Arcade Artist and some of our other Apps for use at Location-Based Arcades and for brands that want a customized version.
Runtime: Installation Set Up 2-3 Minutes (Can be reduced or extended if necessary.) The consumer version is not timed.
Physical Space: 15’ x 15’ (Can be reduced to a smaller footprint.)
Game Mechanics: The experience is part creative sandbox and part arcade, where points are awarded for blasting various objects. Unlock hidden power-ups and discover new features and effects to interact with.
Customization: Experience can be tied to a social share kiosk to allow players to capture their VR creations and then share their 360º creations on social networks – Facebook, Twitter or send a 360º pano to their email account.
Multiplayer: Experience can be set up for multiplayer to increase throughput.