How to Add AR Content to You Online Presentations and Video Conferences

AR Presentations

Today we are all using online more than ever. People have been asking for ways to enhance their online presentations and video conferences. One easy way is to include a companion AR experience that your audience can activate with their phone without the need for an App.

We are doing this using Web AR, which allows us to deploy and activate AR content through a QR Code and a Web page.

Easy to Integrate – Product Demonstrations

It is surprisingly easy to integrate AR into a presentation and it is a great way for your audience to experience a surprise and delight moment. Below is an overview of the steps to add an AR Object or an AR Portal into your next presentation.

Simply add a QR Code with a link to the AR experience. Once it is displayed during your presentation, ask your audience to take out their phone and point their camera at the QR Code. The QR Code has the URL data that will prompt the user to activate the content. Once activated they can place an AR object on their desk table or floor to view the enhanced portion of your presentation.

AR Objects

Check it out – AR Object

Ready for a test drive? Just scan the QR CODE image below to unlock a product demo we created for Callaway Golf.

Desktop and Mobile Experiences

For IBM, we created different experiences for Desktop and Mobile Web.


Check it out here –

Easy to Integrate AR Portals – Location Exploration

Want to give your audience a chance to step into your space or tour a facility? By activating an AR Portal, people can drop a doorway into a 180 or 360 space. Below is an overview of the same steps to activate an AR portal.

Check it out – AR Portal

Ok, now let’s step onto a beach? Just scan the QR CODE image below to unlock an AR portal we created for Corona Extra.

Easy to Integrate AR Games

Want to give them a quick and casual game to play to add some more interactivity to your meeting or conference? Add a Web AR game that anyone can activate. Web AR is great for simple and casual game interactions. Think “snackable” gameplay.

Virtual Conference Gamification

AT&T Breaks Virtual Conference Routine with Innovative AR Game Engagement –

Adding a leaderboard to AT&T’ Virtual Collegiate Summit event we extremely popular. Engagement results were off the chart. We experience an 85% engagement score from the audience. This includes both people who played the game but also submitted their scores to the leaderboard.

Check it out – AR Game

Let’s play a game? Just scan the QR CODE image below to unlock the AR game and then point your camera at the KRISSTOPS image on the screen to play the game.

AR Game

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