Nestlé brands Cailler Chocolate, a Swiss brand, is introducing the chocolate through pop-up retail store activations in airports and shopping malls featuring Samsung Gear VR headsets.
Nestlé is on a mission to bring fine chocolates to the US.
In 2015, Nestlé began selling Cailler chocolate beyond Switzerland as part of their movement into the super-premium chocolate market. What better way to make an introduction after tasting the chocolates is to give everyone a tour of where and how they were made through the power of VR.
The Groove Jones team has been asked to create a 1:30-minute VR experience utilizing 360º videos produced in Switzerland by the creative agency Jung von Matt. The videos will showcase the company’s famous factory, the cows that produce the regional milk, and the chocolatiers preparing delicious treats.
Vide of the Activaiton
Retail Pop-Up Activation
One of their objectives is to give you a sensory experience of the chocolates. Nestlé is doing this via sampling, ingredient education, and virtual reality.
An animated 360º graphic introduces the participants and transports them across various scenes. Immerse yourself in our world of meltingly smooth chocolate – for an indulgent journey through the history, tradition, and art of chocolate-making of Switzerland’s oldest chocolate brand. VR helps achieve this.
The Cailler Chocolate Factory was captured with an aerial shot.
The famous Cailliers cows that produce the milk used in the Swiss chocolate are captured using specially built camera systems for VR.
“It is a very unique brand and very unique product,” Sandra Martinez, head of the confectionery strategic business unit at Nestle, said in an interview. “It has a strong Swiss heritage, and it’s the oldest chocolate brand in existence.”