“No Time Machine Needed”: AR To Be Part of Perot Museum Of Nature And Science’s Ultimate Dinosaurs Exhibit

Originally appeared on VR Focus – https://www.vrfocus.com/2018/06/the-perot-museum-no-time-machine-needed-ar-to-be-a-part-of-perot-museum-of-nature-and-sciences-ultimate-dinosaurs-exhibit/

Visitors will get to see dinosaurs ‘in the flesh’ as museum continues its immersive learning push.

The Perot Museum of Nature and Science is continuing its involvement in using immersive technology to create dynamic exhibits with its new upcoming exhibition which comes all the way from the prehistoric age, letting visitors walk with dinosaurs in augmented reality (AR).

Dinosaurs remain a deep source of fascination for many, with so much about them still unknown, despite everything that has already been discovered.

The Perot Museum will be showcasing twenty of some of the lesser-known dinosaur species from around the world, such as the tiny Eoraptor, or the enormous Giganotosaurus, a dinosaur that was even larger than the famous T. Rex.

Visitors will be encouraged to immerse themselves in the world of the dinosaurs, with life-sized dinosaur skeletons along with video projections of the creates as they might have looked in real life as well as interactive games and some AR technology that lets visitors get up close and personal with various dinosaur species.

This is not the first time that The Perot Museum has engaged with immersive technology to bring history to life. The museum previously reimagined its long-standing exhibit in the Being Human Hall to introduce more interactive and immersive displays and content, including virtual reality (VR) content that showcases the work of renowned paleoanthropologist Dr. Lee Berger, who gained fame from his discovery of a previously unknown human relative, dubbed Homo naledi.

“I’m excited to collaborate with the Perot Museum of Nature and Science and help guide their new Center for the Exploration of the Human Journey,” said Berger. “In a few short years, the Perot Museum has demonstrated a quest for excellence and a desire to innovate, which is in sync with my team’s goals. The opportunity to share our learnings with visitors and educators, inspire young minds and even create a field school in South Africa is powerful, and I look forward to the partnership.”

The Ultimate Dinosaurs exhibition is due to open at The Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas, Texas on the 23rd June, 2018. Further information and tickets can be found on The Perot Museum website. For future coverage of new and innovative uses of VR and AR technology, keep checking back with VRFocus.


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