XR Today – ExxonMobil Employs AR to Visualise Reduced CO2 Emissions

Groove Jones has teamed up with the oil and gas giant to visualise complex carbon emission data.

The original article appeared on XRToday.com on  January 21, 2022 – https://www.xrtoday.com/augmented-reality/exxonmobil-employs-ar-to-visualise-reduced-co2-emissions/

US oil and gas giant ExxonMobil has partnered with award-winning extended reality (XR) developer Groove Jones to create an augmented reality (AR) immersive experience based on ExxonMobil’s efforts towards a reduced-carbon emission future.

ExxonMobil debuted the app at the Las Vegas World Petroleum Congress in December 2021.

During the event, ExxonMobil booth visitors used their smartphone cameras to scan QR codes to activate the immersive experience, which is now also accessible via web browsers and PCs.

The studio worked with ExxonMobil and affiliate Group SJR to create the experience using 3D visuals to explain how the petroleum firm’s Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) site could greatly reduce industrial CO2 emissions.

Following the 2016 Paris Agreement to reduce global emissions, ExxonMobil developed CCS to reduce its carbon footprint, adding that the technology was “crucial” to meeting net-zero targets.

ExxonMobile’s GreenAR Experience

ExxonMobil, Group SJR, and Grove Jones are employing powerful 3D data visuals as well as WebAR and WebGL technology to produce cross-platform experiences to visualise its emissions’ data.

The experience showcases ExxonMobil’s plans for lowering industrial CO2 emissions by more than 90 per cent up to 2050 and communicates complex data into clear 3D interactive content.

According to Groove Jones, the story-based experience communicates the impact of CCS’ five key carbon reduction elements: location, integrity, seal, depth, and carbon storage over time.

Groove Jones also employs AR content using its SLAM geo-tagging technology to enable users to overlay “dramatic” AR data visualisations onto the real world.

Groove Jones Example

An example of Carbon Capture and Storage Site experience on a smartphone PHOTO: Groove Jones

App users can experience Groove Jones’ impressive 3D animations and AR content to visualise 100 million metric tons of CO2.

In the app, Groove Jones also shows the effects of cars driving 250 billion miles around the earth, 12 million homes, 22 million passenger vehicles, or as a forest the size of the state of California.

The firm has also created several other XR immersive storytelling campaigns for various global firms such as Verizon, AAON, and Toyota, among many others.

Original Case Study

Link – https://www.groovejones.com/exxonmobil_css_ar/


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