Groove Jones

Animation 3D Video of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Unit for FuelCell Energy


Groove Jones worked with FuelCell Energy, an energy technology company specializing in clean energy solutions, as they sought to create an animation video for their new Solid Oxide Electrolysis Unit (SOEC). The video’s purpose was to highlight the features, benefits, and applications of the SOEC Unit, which would be used during meetings, conventions, and other marketing activities.

FuelCell Electrolysis

During the project, Groove Jones had to work closely with the FuelCell Energy team, as the SOEC Unit was still in the development phase while the animation was being created. This necessitated close coordination and collaboration between Groove Jones’ design team and FCE’s engineering team to ensure accuracy and up-to-date representation of the product.


The video production process began with concept development, during which Groove Jones collaborated closely with FCE to understand the SOEC Unit’s technical aspects and unique selling points. Based on this information, a compelling narrative was developed and transformed into a script that effectively communicated the unit’s story.



To bring the SOEC Unit to life, Groove Jones primarily used Blender, a powerful 3D modeling and animation software. The team meticulously designed and animated the SOEC Unit using CAD data provided by FCE. 


The visualization focused on showcasing the unit’s entire life cycle, from its construction to its deployment in various clean energy applications. It highlighted its working mechanism, high efficiency, and positive impact on sustainable energy production. 

Learn more about FulCell Energy –

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