Groove Jones

Social AR – Promoting and Sharing AR Effects on Facebook


Social AR – Promoting and Sharing AR Effects on Facebook

Promoting and sharing your effects are the best ways to help people discover and try them for themselves in the Facebook camera.

The Ninja team at Groove Jones has you covered. Just do the following steps.

  1. Go to your Page on the Facebook mobile app.
  2. Tap the Photo Icon. This will take you to the Camera Roll Page.

Facebook Photo Icon

3. Tap the Camera Icon on the Camera Roll Page.

Facebook Camera Icon

4. Select the Smiley Face icon on the Camera Screen.

Facebook AR Effect Icon

5. Now you can activate a camera effect. These are the little tiles below the camera button.

Facebook Effects

6. Take a photo or video using your effect in the Facebook camera.

7. Share your photo or video as a post. When you share a photo or video with a camera effect as a Page, your post will include a button for your followers on mobile devices to try the effect themselves.

8. To make the post more visible, you can also pin it to the top of your Page. Please keep in mind that if you associated your effect with a Page or an app when building the effect, the Page or app must be published before you share the post.

Sharing on personal Profiles

You can also share your effect with friends and family on your own Facebook profile. Simply take a photo or video in the Facebook camera using your effect and post it to your timeline.

Sharing on other platforms

Facebook isn’t the only place you can share and promote your effects. You can use a link to share your camera effect in posts you make on Facebook as well as other social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr, or on your own website or blog. You can get these links from where you view and manage your effects. This is how our client Conagra – Slim Jim helped promote their experience.

Slim Jim Twitter

If your audience clicks the link while using a mobile device, it will open to your effect in the Facebook camera. If your audience is on a desktop computer, the link will take them to a page where they can preview your effect and send a notification to their mobile devices to try it themselves.

Boosting posts made with your effects

Pages can also boost posts for increased visibility. Boosted posts appear higher in News Feed, which increases the likelihood that your audience will see them. Boosting posts costs money, but different budgeting options are available. Learn more about boosting posts.

Sharing calls to action

If someone shares a photo or video with your effect from the Facebook camera, it will post with a note prompting people to Take a photo or video with this effect along with a Try It button that links to the camera with the effect open.

If someone shares a photo or video with your effect to Facebook from your app, it will post to Facebook with a note attributing the effect to your app and prompting people with an Open in App button that links to your app with the effect open.


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