Unity Blog – The Metaverse Minute: Auggie Awards Edition

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Originaly appeared on Unity.com on May 26, 2022 – https://blog.unity.com/manufacturing/the-metaverse-minute-auggie-awards-edition

Each year we keep our eyes peeled to see who will make the AWE’s prestigious Auggie Awards list of finalists, and 2022 boasts a variety of Unity applications that are helping build the metaverse. These products and solutions, nominated by the AR/VR industry, were voted on by the public and will be judged by a panel of experts. The winners will be announced at AWE USA 2022 on June 2.

Before we dive into this exciting list we want to acknowledge that we may have missed some Auggie finalists that used Unity. If you are one of these, please let us know (just read to the end to find out how). Now onto the finalists!

Best Consumer App – National Aviation Education Center (NAEC) World War II Nose Art AR App

Best Healthcare & Wellness Solution – VIST Neuro-ID

The Groove Jones team uses Unity to create a diverse set of experiences. Nominated for Best Consumer App, the NAEC’s Nose Art Gallery App allows visitors of the National Aviation Education Center to fly through the air with WWII planes and witness aircraft nose art up close. Nominated for Best Healthcare & Wellness Solution, VIST Neuro-ID uses a VR headset to test cognitive abilities and detect concussions. Designed for wildly different purposes, Groove Jones clearly has the ingenuity to serve many audiences.

Groove Jones leverages the power of real-time render 3D to help our clients bring to life exciting programs for internal training purposes, interactive marketing engagements to connect with their customers, and innovate solutions for health and wellness. Unity Pro is a platform that allows us to break through barriers and develop across any screen imaginable.

– Dan Ferguson, Cofounder, Groove Jones

Links to the Award Nominations

University of Mississippi Medical Center Uses VR to Innovate Concussion Care – https://www.groovejones.com/health-vr-concussion-care/

National Aviation Education Center World War II Nose Art AR App and Tuskegee Airmen Pepper’s Ghost Hologram Exhibit – https://www.groovejones.com/national-aviation-education-center-world-war-ii-nose-art-ar-app/

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